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Friday, December 22, 2006

k so it was a rockin day today. We had our JQ finals from 3 to 5, so i skipped school to revise, it was my first quiz and i didnt want to mess it up! We reached msbk (modern school barakhamba.....for those of you who dont know) at around 2:15, the quiz was supposed to start at 3 but it finally started at around 3:45 or something, i was too tensed, i don't know why.

So we went up on the stage (duh!), six teams: dps rkp (2 teams), dps faridabad, dps dwarka, apejay noida and Bharti vidya Niketan. There were a total of 8 rounds.The first 3 rounds were pretty easy and and we were on the lead with 35 points, then the next 3 rounds were difficult, no points for us, we were on 35. By the next round which was internet, we were still at 35, I really wasn't sure if we would win. Dps faridabad was at the top with 60 points and we were fifth at that time i think. By the last round (visual) faridabad was first, the rest of them i don't remember very well but we were at fifth position (stilll!!!!!), finally the life saving question came. It was our direct and the correct answer was the BSD daemon, which we got right (10 points....yey!). Now we were at third position along with dps Dwarka (45). A tie breaker was obvious. So we got 2 visuals and we had to write the answer on seperate sheets which were to be given to the quizmaster. Luckily we got both right: Mozilla Thunderbird and Azim Premji. The other teams got just one correct. So finally we came third and the other team (Ananth & Sajal) came second and first was dps faridabad.

I am damn excited. First quiz: third prize: a trophy and speakers: not bad eh?


arshiya said...

WE DID IT!!!!!!!
yea n v also got 30%scholarship(how can u forget!)
P.S.this blog seems to b like ur personal diary or sumthin!LOL!